Fitness while expecting a baby is NOT just about staying fit. There's a whole wellbeing dimension that most pregnancy workout plans neglect.
This unique and proven program will bring your pregnancy and motherhood journey to the next level !
Implementing optimal exercises into your pregnancy workout plan will revolutionize your experience - leaking, back pain, hip pain and ab separation are NOT the new normal of pregnancy and mama life.
10am to 1pm
Total Value [including online workouts $850] 
This unique face to face 3 hour program also includes access to online workouts so you can continue all your learn in the comfort of your own home (with no gym membership fees !)
You may have seen me in
Does This Sound Like YOU?
You are just defaulting to walking for pregnancy exercise ?
As you are confused about what movements you can and can't do.

Did you know your body needs more than this for an optimal birth, recovery and to be ready for the challenges of motherhood ?

You have heard horror stories about diastasis recti (ab separation) and pelvic floor issues including prolapse.
So you are avoiding anything to do with your core and trying to do as many Kegels as possible !

Did you know only focusing on Kegels and not learning how to connect to your deeper core could actually be causing symptoms such as leaking, heaviness and can contribute to a prolonged labour and challenging recovery !

As a Mama of 3 and after training thousand of women, I know your precious pregnancy journey can be paved with challenges that can prevent you from fully enjoying this very special time. I see too many expecting mama's, passively enduring aches, pains and overwhelm
It doesn't have to be that way!
You WANT a pregnancy without aches, pains, leaking and core issues. 
You want to be fit, confident and prepared for birth, recovery and the long runway of motherhood
Without spending hours in the gym !

There are simple solutions that you can implement into your pregnancy workout routine, as as you go about your daily activities to improve both your physical and mental wellbeing and honor the fabulous changes in your body 

The first time Mama
CONGRATULATIONS, it's your first pregnancy. You're super excited but... now what?

You have no idea what to expect and you don't know the questions to ask let alone where to find the answers.

Everyone is keen to offer you their pearls of pregnancy wisdom... but it's just making you more confused.

Don't lift anything heavier than 2kg? Have you purchased Raspberry Tea? What the heck is an epidural? Is that hip pain, back pain or pelvic pain?

You want to exercise during pregnancy but don't want to risk hurting yourself or your baby. And right now it feels overwhelming ! But don't worry...

(c) 2023 BodyFabulous Fitness Dahlas Fletcher
The fit Mama
You're no stranger to exercise, you love that endorphin rush and want to stay fit and healthy. Maybe, you are already working out  but there's that niggle....

Whether it's walking, pilates, lifting weights or maybe you have just been told ...

"your fit - it's ok to keep doing what you are doing !"  Buuut something doesn't feel quiiiiite right.

Do I just reduce my weights/ reps? No one has even mentioned the word pelvic floor? Crunches are ok until you see the bump aren't they ?  [PSA they are not]

You know you need an exercise program designed specifically for pregnancy, but everything you've found is dull, boring and super expensive.

 Let's do this...

The 'I thought I was meant to be glowing !' Mama
Maybe this isn't your first time pregnant... and last time was a less than ideal experience.

Maybe you still haven't recovered but here you go again. 

Maybe this is all new to you and you feel awful - nauseous, achy and exhausted

You want to focus on moving during this pregnancy but can't help being a little apprehensive after what you've already been through or how you currently feel.

The thought of sneezing... let alone exercising... makes you nervous.

You've got pain in your pelvis or back (or both) and you've still got weeks of this to endure.

You know you need to exercise but everything hurts, smells terrible and you dread it !

Help is on it's way...

The busy working
You're due date is getting closer... but so is that deadline at work.

You struggle to get out of bed in the morning and by the time you get home from work you're completely spent.

Maybe you also have other kids with a busy family life to juggle on top of a demanding career

You want to focus more on you and your pregnancy but adding more to your plate seems insane.

You need something thats proven to work, convenient, easy to follow and effective.

That won't leave you feeling energised and not exhausted.

I've been there Mama

I've got you...

The TRUE secret to a stronger, fitter and more energised pregnancy that results in a better birth, easier recovery and confident motherhood journey isn't...

🖤 Diving in headfirst without any clear idea of your endgame;

🖤 Following a "plan" that just a prescriptive list of what NOT to do each trimester and doesn't align with what you actually want; or

🖤 Trying to DIY it yourself by Googling 'safe pregnancy exercises', asking a friend or random in a Facebook Community what they did - then downloading an app to remind you to do your Kegels.

Instead? It's intentionally aligning with where your body is at, where your blind spots may be with where it is you really want to GO beyond just the 9 months of pregnancy and birth !

As ultimately...

✓ Pelvic Floor Health - leaking is not normal & Kegels can make symptoms worse
✓ Diastasis Recti - can be prevented / healed by what you do NOW during pregnancy
✓ Back, Hip, Knee & Ankle Pain - is due to postural imbalances and are also connected to your core & pelvic floor health
✓Healing the core and getting stronger from the inside out doesn't happen by "trimester only exercises" or waiting until you are post birth and dive back into "all or nothing workouts while you draw belly button to spine"!
I truly believe that it's never just one area of the body is causing discomfort, pain or dysfunction so it's important to look deeper -
and discover it's connected to the movements we do in daily life, the food we eat, and how our brain connects to our whole body during ALL TRIMESTERS is essential.
(whether you're a new mama or five years in), so that you don't spend - or continue to spend - months and years with constant niggles, aches and overwhelm only to end up as a grandmother with a body that can't play and enjoy their grandkids !
Meet Dahlas ...

She’s ex- National Marketing Executive turned certified, pregnancy + female fitness specialist (...who has an "h" in her name but it's simply pronounced Dallas)

Her mission? To help women at all ages and stages ditch "all or nothing" workouts and depleting diets for a sustainable workouts, even if they have been told that leaking, pelvic pain, core weakness, and constant aches are just a "new normal" of motherhood" (PSA -they're NOT!) 

So they can stop second guessing themselves and show up fabulously fit, strong and confident without losing their lifestyle

Despite being a fitness professional, Dahlas personally experienced the frustrations of navigating the fitness industry, with the plethora of mis-information out there whilst trying to heal her own abdominal separation (after the births of her 3 children). Combined with working with many incredible women who benefited greatly from her holistic deep core and whole body functional training, she knew she had to spill her proven techniques with others.

You are NOT alone and you CAN transform your life to enjoy an active + pain-free life!

Dahlas has been featured in the likes of Mamamia, Women's Health and Fitness Magazine, Sydney Morning Herald - Body+Soul, SWIISH wellness, where she has written and spoken extensively on how connecting and healing your core is WAY beyond outdated cues such as "Draw Belly Button to Spine !". "Do 50 Kegels a Day" (or just pad up and play on), "Get planking and feel the burn as without pain there is no gain !" ...which have only exacerbated many women's symptoms and sadly made them abandon exercise and miss out on activities with their families.

My Mission:
To Help You Discover How
Exercise is FABULOUS way to connect to your body
at any stage of pregnancy (and is not just a tool to change it)
It's a little term I've coined to describe the beautiful intersection of the principles of 

Based on science, expertise and a unique edge with a focus on TOTAL core synergy, resistance based training and intuitive movement that can be applied at any stage of motherhood (including pregnancy).

Packaged up in a proven model that suits YOU, your body, your lifestyle &  is do-able even with a never ending to do list.

And, that allows you to workout from anywhere WITHOUT overwhelm, depletion and that niggling feeling that "I really haven't done enough" or " YIKES is that actually going to be ok for me ?".

Or instead putting it off until you get your 6 week postpartum clearance and feel the pressure to dive back on that merry-go-round of joining another Bootcamp and chasing relentless "all or nothing workouts" at ANY cost  !

[..because I have witnessed too often, that COST is your time, your energy your sanity, your pelvic health and longterm happiness.. #notthevibe]

  • Exercises that will make you feel like yourself again - despite being tired, busy and nauseous
  • A modern, proven approach based on current research and not outdated "trimester only" exercises.
  • Movements that you can do in your PJ's if you need to, so you build consistency - effortlessly !
  • That will help you fall in love with exercise because you'll feel what it can do to your ENTIRE body and self esteem
  • Best of all it get you set you up for a lifetime of benefits regardless of your age, stage of pregnancy or fitness level
"A better postnatal recovery BEGINS during pregnancy"

I truly believe that your postnatal recovery actually starts during pregnancy. Effectively training your core and pelvic floor (beyond Kegels) during pregnancy is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.

Enhancing your core muscles is not about just targeting your abs, it's about moving optimally and engaging your active center - which is EVERYTHING in between your shoulders and hips.

This unique program you will give you all the tools you need to unlock your ultimate core synergy including your legs, glutes, hips, arms neck and even your jaw as...


What you'll learn 
in this all inclusive
READY to make a small investment with BIG rewards for your pregnancy + motherhood journey...
I want to be crystal clear that I am NOT offering you a "quick fix" solution with my unique face to face BRISBANE pregnancy workshop
❌ This isn't a "jumpstart" exercise program that you go hard on for 3 weeks and never touch again.
❌ I do NOT want you to invest in this only to NEVER open your BONUS (no extra charge online workouts)
Instead, what I want you to become practiced at is using a proven regular movement to support your physical, mental, and emotional health starting NOW during pregnancy and continuing for the long runway of motherhood
...AS [TRUTHBOMB] 💣 you are going to have to keep going in NOT IDEAL conditions.
Because, motherhood is challenging ....
Plus you might already currently be journeying through pregnancy and feeling like you are rallying, due to exhaustion, aches and may want to give up but you keep going....but deep down you think "when will this be over?"
Then you imagine the amount of effort still needed for an optimal birth and recovery and it makes your stomach lurch :(
Well that's exactly how one of my pregnancy clients, Tessa, felt before joining my face to face Brisbane workshop.
What if in two months from now like Tessa you were feeling fit strong and prepared for the challenges of pregnancy, birth and the LIFETIME of motherhood ?
Imagine what that could do for both your mind and body whether you're just starting out, you're a regular exerciser or you're looking to discover consistency without depletion and get a lifetime of benefits !
It's not only me that want's to support you.
But also our fabulous like minded female and mama focused partners are also gifting you lucky door prizes and goodie bags at our FACE TO FACE EVENT.
The point is? YOU get to choose to start NOW
  • Small and focused Group Training in a Physiotherapy endorsed unique workout program designed by fully certified and experienced pregnancy and postpartum trainer - Dahlas Fletcher
  • Get energised and have fun with the unique CORE CARDIO METHOD on a medical grade fitball combined with specialised deep core and pelvic floor exercises.
  • Learn TOTAL BODY Workouts suitable for Pregnancy, Postpartum and Motherhood
    that are pelvic floor and diastatis recti safe
  • Functional Pilates exercises, Resistance training, Birth Prep Moves and science based mind-body strategies
  • Discover specialised deep core and pelvic floor exercises...that go beyond just KEGELS
  • 6 MONTH ONLINE ACCESS : To my SIGNATURE ONLINE CORE CARDIO FITBALL WORKOUTS includes a variety of online videos and comprehensive guides so you can continue your safe and effective TOTAL BODY deep core training at HOME during both pregnancy and postpartum (value $300)
  • Comprehensive guidance about medical grade / non toxic durable FIT BALL and how to set is up correctly for pregnancy, birth and postpartum recovery.
    Opportunity to purchase your own medical grade fitball at custom inflated size at wholesale pricing
  • GOODIE BAG - including over $200 worth of value with samples and discounts from our branded partners + LUCKY DOOR prizes
  • Access to the exclusive BFAB METHOD members only Facebook Community so you can stay connected to the Mama's you meet, access directly ask Dahlas questions plus be first to know about exclusive offers.
  • PLUS much more...
    if you need modifications or guidance on your specific goals simply send them through prior to the workshop and Dahlas will provided personalised guidance at the session
  • All workout equipment for the workshop session is provided & meets Covid Safe Cleaning requirements (Dahlas & Venue have completed Covid Safety Certifications).

    If you decide not to purchase your own Medical Grade Fitball at checkout.
    A fitball for the workshop will be provided and inflated to your correct size for safety and optimal movement

    If you would like to use your own exercise mat please bring this with you.

  • That's over $850 worth of value for a lifetime of benefits join the workshop for only..
last one
for 2024
10am to 1pm
Venue : Modern Mamas
10 minutes / 8 KM from Brisbane CBD.
Corner of Thynne and Victoria St
Morningside QLD 4170
Limited Spots. Bookings will close when sold out !
W H A T  Y O U  G E T
This Proven Comprehensive Pregnancy Program
  • 3 HOUR FACE TO FACE Brisbane Workshop
    in a small group training environment, with Certified and experienced pregnancy, postnatal and pelvic floor exercise specialist Dahlas. Plenty of opportunity to ask questions and get personalised modifications plus connect with other Mama's to be on a similar journey [Value = priceless]
    6 months access (at no additional cost) to the unique CORE CARDIO Fitball Workouts. CORE CARDIO is a total body-workout using a medical grade fitball to naturally activate your deep core + stabilise and support the spine and pelvic floor. It is suitable for any trimester, any level of fitness, and can be continued post birth. This means you can workout if if you have back pain, diastatis rectic, pelvic pain or pelvic floor issues all in  comfort of your own home during both your pregnancy and postnatal journey. [Value = $300]
  • Accompanying WORKBOOK : Step-by-step digital workbook to guide you through the proven BFABMETHOD with additional BONUS links to help guide and pinpoint your effective training strategy for any stage of pregnancy [Value $100]
    For everyone that attends the workshop from our beautiful branded mama supporting partners [Value = $200]
    at a wholesale price, cart only offer, and when purchased will be inflated and waiting for you at the workout. Essential to continue your fitball workouts, birth prep and recovery at home and  [Value = $150]
  • Crystal Clear CLARITY —  Pregnancy is a precious time and the BEST time to ditch the "all or nothing" workouts and depleting diet mentality that most women eventually default too. Beginning NOW you can create a sustainable exercise routine even if you been told that leaking, pelvic pain, core weakness, and constant aches are just a "new normal" of pregnancy and motherhood" (PSA -they're NOT!). Regardless of your trimester you can stop second guessing yourself, and go from sluggish to stronger, exhausted to energised, and get fit and prepared for birth and beyond without leaking and spending hours in the gym [Value = priceless]
  • FAST ACTION BONUS : First 10 bookings receive a clinically nutrition designed Smoothie Guide & Snack Guide download - [Value at $99] by Nutritionist Georgia Marrion
  • GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE - purchase your ticket now as the perfect MAMA TO BE / BABY SHOWER GIFT.
    Click here to get in contact about arranging a gift voucher
Why use a FITBALL ?
Fitball, Swissball, Birthball, Stability Ball...
[Whatever you call it]
  • MYTH BUSTED - a Fitball is NOT just a ball you bounce on during labour. It is actually a fabulous piece of equipment that can be used at ALL STAGES of motherhood from pregnancy, postbirth to menopause to dynamically train and support your deep core.
  • When you sit, move or exercise on a fitball (that is set up optimally) your body is imbalanced so for stability it recruits many muscles (including the WHOLE core) to assist in activation an stablisation.
  • This means the body learns a new dynamic behaviour pattern, that naturally supports the lower back, pelvic floor and hips via optimal posture and a variety of specialised low impact moves.
Energising with a deep core connection...
[Core Cardio Workouts]
  • Dahlas' unique Fitball workouts that is named "Core Cardio" is a carefully curated sequence of exercises using a medical grade fitball plus resistance based training to strengthen, lengthen, and protect your entire body.
  • If you are missing dynamic exercises such as aerobics and running you will also LOVE these FITBALL workouts as they can be tailored to your energy levels, fitness level so you can get sweaty, feel those endorphins without compromising your joints and pelvic floor.
For any level of fitness, and suitable if you have aches, pains and niggles...
[including Pelvic Pain, Back Pain and Prolapse]
  • If you are suffering from pelvic pain, back pain, hip pain, prolapse or a just simply exhausted these workouts are safe and suitable for you.
  • Core Cardio offers you a remedy to to high-impact injury prone exercises, with intelligent purposeful full body movement, that is all linked to consistent core breathing so you feel deeply supported and connected both physically and mentally.
Get energised, capable and confident...
[ for pregnancy, recovery and the long runway of motherhood]
  • I believe learning to use a fitball optimally to support you during pregnancy, birth and motherhod is the ONE thing you must do right now to ensure you are prepared for those "MAMA MOVES". Motherhood is a very physical 24/7 job, it's a workout in itself these movments will help you achieve your Mama workout "sweet spot" regardless of what type of birth you have.
Your OWN medical grade FITBALL will be waiting for you at the workshop...
[simply add to cart when you REGISTER]
  • We want to ensure you get the best FITBALL possible. So are offering you the opportunity to purchase an Australian made, Burst Resistant & Durable Latex (Rubber), BPA & Phthalate Free Medical grade FITBALL at wholesale price when you register for the workshop HERE (RRP $99 / TODAY ONLY $79)
  • These balls are made with the highest quailty and supplied to hospital birthing suites and maternity services in Australasia for over 20 years with quality inspection prior to packaging.
  • BEST OF ALL to ensure you fitball FITBALL is the correct size. It will be inflated for you (at no extra charge) and be ready waiting for you at the workshop
  • Please note : if you decide not to purchase a Fitball, you will still be able to participate in the workshop (we will supply one for you for use). However our medical grade FITBALLS will not be able to be purchased on the day of the workshop (and you will need a fitball to continue your online workouts effectively at home) This is a cart only exclusive offer.
Safe. Effective & Fun !
Lisa M
'I love these workouts ! I did them throughout my pregnancy and leading up to my birth. I am astonished how quickly my pelvic floor healed and abs came back together due to the specialised moves.'
Jo S
'Before falling pregnant, I was very fit having been an active runner and triathlete for a number of years. Keen to keep active during my pregnancy, particularly as I have a thyroid problem, I came across Core Cardio as a good alternative. I started in my second trimester and at first it was quite different but as I gave up running after 20 weeks and got heavier and more "awkward" in my movements, the sessions kept me fit and also bolstered my mood as the weeks got harder. My baby arrived via induction, plus she was posterior and 4kg big. All birth her drug free and had a healthy pregnancy weight gain of 13kg. I owe it really to having kept fit and active during all my 40 weeks. I was up walking as soon as I got home. I highly recommend these sessions. It's a great way to keep exercising during your pregnancy as it's safe and keeps you focused, with a professional like Dahlas.
Healthy mum, healthy baby!'
Lisa C

'I started these Fitball workouts when I was 15 weeks pregnant and did them a least twice a week until I was 37 weeks, and absolutely loved it ! It's so much fun. Now that I've had my gorgeous daughter I'm back doing the workouts to regain my lost fitness from the last few months. I will definitely also be continuing to do them when I fall pregnant again.'
Lucky Door Prizes
and Workshop 
Goodie Bags
Face to Face 
Small group training wokshop for any level of fitness and any trimester
Fast Action BONUS 
Smoothie and Snack 
for the first 10 bookings only
by Clinical Nutritionist
so you can continue all
you learn in the comfort
of your own home during and after pregnancy
It's time to get fit, strong, confident
and capable
for the challenges of pregnancy
birth, recovery and motherhood
Do it for you. Do it for you baby.
(c) 2024 BodyFabulous Fitness - Dahlas Fletcher. *Be sure your physician / medical practitioner has approved you for exercise. All of the information on this site and in this program assumes that the women at any stage of, pregnancy, motherhood or life in good physical and mental health, and that her pregnancy is without risk factors or complications. Bodyfabulous Pty Ltd website and video content is for informational purposes only and is not intended to offer medical advice, or replace the recommendations of your Doctor, Midwife, Physical Therapist or Medical Practitioner. Always consult your Doctor before beginning any exercise program. BodyFabulous Pty Ltd will not be held responsible in anyway for circumstances, conditions or injuries that result directly or indirectly from information provided.
50% Complete
Learn whole body movements + proven techniques I've developed over my 20-years of experience working with mama's just like YOU! Whether you have a newborn, a 5-year old or your youngest is 20, my FAB5 CHALLENGE is for YOU