Did you know only focusing on Kegels, trying to DIY your own workouts and not learning how to optimally connect to your deeper core can actually lead to symptoms such as leaking, heaviness and can contribute to long term pelvic floor issues (regardless if you have had a baby or not)?
Exercise is essential for overcoming pelvic floor concerns - stopping or only focusing on isolated Kegels can actually contribute to things worsening
Muscles - need movement and your pelvic floor is an intersection of integral muscles
With an optimal strategy that includes resistance training & WHOLE body focus (not just Kegels & walking)
YES you can avoid or improve pelvic floor & core concerns
So please stop delaying this due to fear, embarrassment or overwhelm as ... doing no exercise or very limited movement is also making your overall health worse, increasing the risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and sarcopenia (which is age related muscle loss - hello perimenopause !)
There are simple solutions that you can implement into workout routine, and as as you go about your daily activities to improve both your physical and mental wellbeing and honor the fabulous changes in your female body
You have no idea what to expect and you don't know the questions to ask let alone where to find the answers.
Everyone is keen to offer you their pearls of pregnancy wisdom... but it's just making you more confused.
Don't lift anything heavier than 2kg? Have you purchased Raspberry Tea? What the heck is an epidural? Is that hip pain, back pain or pelvic pain?
And aren't crunches ok as you can't really see my bump ? [Ahh NO, they are not]
You want to exercise during pregnancy but don't want to risk hurting yourself or your baby. And right now it feels veru overwhelming !
But don't worry...
Whether it's running, pilates, lifting weights or maybe you have just been told ...
"your fit - it's ok to keep doing what you are doing !" Buuut something doesn't feel quiiiiite right [eek especially "down below"]
Do I just reduce my weights/ reps? Maybe only cardio is better as you've heard that's the best calorie burner? And more crunches should fix the belly bulge? [PSA they won't]
You know you need an exercise program designed specifically for females, but everything you've found is dull, boring and super expensive.
Let's do this...
Or maybe you finally feel like you have a bit more time to yourself, and have considered joinng a gym. But can't help being a little apprehensive after a previous experience....
Especially as you are trying ALL the things - eating less and moving more but it does NOT seem to be working - your clothes seem always to be tighter and the belly bulge won't budge !
Plus the added thought of sneezing... let alone burpees... makes you nervous about that other "P" - P-elvic floor
You know you need to exercise, have heard you need eat more protein plus try resistance training, but everything hurts, you are always hungry and the more you Kegel the more you leak !
Help is on it's way...
You struggle to get out of bed in the morning and by the time you get home from work you're completely spent.
Maybe you also have kids + a busy family life to juggle on top of a demanding career
You want to focus more on you and your "self care" but adding more to your plate seems insane.
You need something thats proven to work, convenient, easy to follow and effective. You have searched the interwebs, asked friends in FB communities and DIY'ed a few exercises and maybe even purchased a Kegel machine !!
But something doesn't feel quiiiiite right.
Is it that you need minium 1 hour, 3 times a week to get results ?Your friend said Pilates is the best solution esp for the pelvic floor ? Or is there something BIGGER at play here?
As you know you should be exercising to feel energised and not more exhausted.
I've been there lady. I've got you...
- Diving in headfirst without any clear idea of your endgame;
- Following a "plan" that just a prescriptive list of what NOT to do if you have have symptoms like leaking, aches, pain, heaviness or prolapse
- Trying to DIY it yourself by Googling 'best exercises for over 30', asking a friend or random in a Facebook Community what they did - then downloading an app to remind you to do your Kegels.
Instead? It's intentionally aligning with where your body is at, where your blind spots may be with where it is you really want to GO beyond just another quick fix "boot camp"
As ultimately...
She’s ex- National Marketing Executive turned certified, pregnancy + female fitness specialist (...who has an "h" in her name but it's simply pronounced Dallas)
Her mission? To help women at all ages and stages ditch "all or nothing" workouts and depleting diets for a sustainable workouts, even if they have been told that leaking, pelvic pain, core weakness, and constant aches are just a "new normal" of motherhood"
(PSA -they're NOT!)
So they can stop second guessing themselves and show up fabulously fit, strong and confident without losing their lifestyle
Despite being a fitness professional, Dahlas personally experienced the frustrations of navigating the fitness industry, with the plethora of mis-information out there whilst trying to heal her own abdominal separation (after the births of her 3 children). Combined with working with many incredible women who benefited greatly from her holistic deep core and whole body functional training, she knew she had to spill her proven techniques with others.
You are NOT alone and you CAN transform your life to enjoy an active + pain-free life!
Dahlas has been featured in the likes of Mamamia, Women's Health and Fitness Magazine, Sydney Morning Herald - Body+Soul, SWIISH wellness, where she has written and spoken extensively on how connecting and healing your core is WAY beyond outdated cues such as "Draw Belly Button to Spine !". "Do 50 Kegels a Day" (or just pad up and play on), "Get planking and feel the burn as without pain there is no gain !" ...which have only exacerbated many women's symptoms and sadly made them abandon exercise and miss out on activities with their families.
She’s ex- National Marketing Executive turned certified, pregnancy + female fitness specialist (...who has an "h" in her name but it's simply pronounced Dallas)
Her mission? To help women at all ages and stages ditch "all or nothing" workouts and depleting diets for a sustainable workouts, even if they have been told that leaking, pelvic pain, core weakness, and constant aches are just a "new normal" of motherhood"
(PSA -they're NOT!)
So they can stop second guessing themselves and show up fabulously fit, strong and confident without losing their lifestyle
Despite being a fitness professional, Dahlas personally experienced the frustrations of navigating the fitness industry, with the plethora of mis-information out there whilst trying to heal her own abdominal separation (after the births of her 3 children). Combined with working with many incredible women who benefited greatly from her holistic deep core and whole body functional training, she knew she had to spill her proven techniques with others.
You are NOT alone and you CAN transform your life to enjoy an active + pain-free life!
Dahlas has been featured in the likes of Mamamia, Women's Health and Fitness Magazine, Sydney Morning Herald - Body+Soul, SWIISH wellness, where she has written and spoken extensively on how connecting and healing your core is WAY beyond outdated cues such as "Draw Belly Button to Spine !". "Do 50 Kegels a Day" (or just pad up and play on), "Get planking and feel the burn as without pain there is no gain !" ...which have only exacerbated many women's symptoms and sadly made them abandon exercise and miss out on activities with their families.
Here's the truth, though....
The women were between 18 to 65 years old and NOT all of the women had given birth
IT BEGINS NOW by learning my proven FAB5 foundation moves and here's the kicker....recovering the function of your pelvic floor, its connection to the nervous system, including its relation to the bones within the pelvis, and the way that this fabulous muscle connects to the WHOLE BODY
HAS to be prioritised first, mentally and not only focused on physically (by simply defaulting to Kegels) as....
Which means not just entering an 'exercise' program to "lose the baby weight" post birth or "beat those hormonal kilos" into perimenopause
You will discover HOW to do this intentionally, not only during a workout but as you go about your daily activities. Allowing you to exercise more consistently and see results faster !
You will then be able to progress your workouts confidently and ultimately make your daily movements complement (and fuel) the LIFE you want.
Without discovering your optimal breath, you can waste time trying to do pelvic floor "strengthening" exercises that will only lead to more harm than good ! ....as a "too tight' or "strong" pelvic floor can actually lead to ongoing issues such as hip, back pain, leaking, heaviness and also prolapse.
Without discovering your optimal breath, you can waste time trying to do pelvic floor "strengthening" exercises that will only lead to more harm than good ! ....as a "too tight' or "strong" pelvic floor can actually lead to ongoing issues such as hip, back pain, leaking, heaviness and also prolapse.
We all know that getting started is often the hardest part. You are going to get through this with my BONUS LIVE support and begin moving your body.
5 minutes later - you are going to have completed it
This is going to build your confidence in your ability to start and complete a workout and to experience all the benefits that come from that.
Then as you have LIFETIME access - it's just "rinse and repeat" to ensure your consistency, new neural pathways and strength continues to build.
It's probably the simplest and most effective workout challenge you will ever try. And, I'll bet its the ONLY workout challenge you will ever likely complete
..plus WANT to return to as it won't be a "near death experience".
As you can do these workouts if you are pregnant, postpartum, at home, in the gym with minimal exercise equipment, when you are low on energy, short on time and even in your pj's !!
After 5 weeks of focus from as little as 5 minutes a day. This final masterclass is to help you discover how to scale your workouts and exactly how to do this with a combination of dynamic movement and fuelling yourself with optimal NUTRITION.
This will be LIVE and the replay only available for a limited time.
If it's CHEAP, is it good?
Yes - this is quality information and workouts (shared with you in a private membership portal that is accessible on any device). All the content provided has been tested, proven and refined; NOT just developed overnight and dumped in a library for you to wade through ! Anyone can jump on social media, YouTube or ask a random (unqualified person) for a few workouts in a Facebook Community. BUT ensuring they are supported by current research, actually work for YOU, your BODY and you can do them consistently without injury or niggles like leaking, diastasis, pelvic floor dysfunction and taxing your whole nervous system...that's a WHOLE different ball game - that has taken me over 20 years to develop by working with over 1000+ women and being mentored by Australia's best Women's Health Physiotherapists.
Read my client testimonials HERE so that this statement is backed by results.
This. System. Works (my students words not mine)
If it's only $59 AUSSIE DOLLARS, why not just free?
Great question, and I'll answer by saying that I've run this both free and paid in the past...
1. When I charge (even $59) I have a higher show-up and engagement rate in the challenge (aka: people do the work / have "skin in the game")...
2. When I charge (a price that does not cover my time to create this) I see more people getting results and this then motivates our group even further..
3. When I charge (even just $59) people value my information more, and ask more questions -which means everyone (including me) learns and discovers more!
Which will give you way better value than free training...
At the end of the day, I do this training to grow my business (I also have 3 little mouths to feed) while doing what I love, which is supporting and serving my audience in the best ways possible. If people don't show up, take action, and value my information - neither my clients, nor my business, grow.
So yes, it's $59 Aussie Dollars (as YES I am AUSTRALIAN but love to work with women locally and globally !)
If either of those thoughts has kept you on the fence, I hope my honesty helps to clear that up and that you...
BUT - let's not get ahead of ourselves ...
Before that happens, if you TAKE ACTION TODAY and commit to the FAB5 CHALLENGE, you will dive directly into my essential CORE FOUNDATION strategy (without a Kegel, or sit-up in sight) that regardless if you are a fitness fanatic or first timer, will get you moving with more connection, confidence and energy throughout any stage of motherhood !
Best of all its a fabulous opportunity for us to get to know each other a little better before the "main event"
I hope this gives you the big picture